The spirit of Open Play is that everyone gets to play with different players in a recreational and fun setting. The objective of Open Play is to have people learn from playing with others and a variety of styles.


-Mon, Wed, Fri, 2-4pm

-Tue, Thu 5-7pm

-Sat, Sun 10am-12pm


-Mon, Wed, 10am-12pm & 6pm-8pm

-Fri 10am-12pm

-Sat, Sun 2-4pm

Pickleball Members: FREE with Active Membership
Pay as you Play Members: $6
Guests: $20

USA Pickleball Skill Rating

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Skill Level


(Not ready for open play yet, keep taking lessons and drills)

-Has never played organized pickleball before. 

-Does not know how to score and/or rules of the NVZ.

-Struggles making contact and hitting balls back and forth over the net.

– Has limited racquet sport background.  

Contact John Reed to set up an introduction to Pickleball Lesson, 608-444-6478.


-Has played complete games to 11 before

-Is comfortable keeping score and knows all of the rules of the NVZ

-Can make contact on forehand and backhand and hit over the net consistently.

-Knows how to serve, return and volley


-Has extensive experience in organized play and/or drills/lessons

-Can TEACH all rules and scoring of the game

-Can sustain a bounce dink rally

-Can serve, return, transition, volley, dink, smash


-Has extensive experience in organized play and/or tournaments

-Knows how to TEACH rules and tactics of the game

-Can sustain a volley dink rally

-Always moves in after return

-Is comfortable sending and receiving different spins on all shots

-Can execute 3rd shot drop and drive on forehand and backhand

-Is not afraid of getting hit with the ball or hitting others